Tactical Film Course 3
This course is heavily focused on the application of prop firearms in close space scenarios. Besides various systems of weapon combat and weapon retention ranging from knives, pistols, to rifles and from standing to the ground techniques, we would dive into the Close-quarters Combat(CQC) system, individual, and team military coordination. This would also include the knowledge of room structure, angles understanding, human behavior, decision-making skill, and even sign language for silent communication, etc. It helps the trainees mentally and physically in a very advanced way to be prepared for any acting roles that have skills to do with this form of art. Thus on camera, this means you are not acting like a pro, but you ARE a pro.
Limited Penetration Techniques
Brain neurology study
Team Formation& Coordination
Force on force human behavior study
Acting Scenario-Based Training
Group Demo Reel
Curriculum Includes:
Firearm Level 2 Review
Film Close-quarters Combat System
Tactic& Strategy Basic Intro
Angle Study
Spatial Awareness
Dynamic Entry